Molecular Medicine Section

Department of Neuroscience, University of Siena

Professor, Director Molecular Medicine Section
Department of Neuroscience
University of Siena, Siena, Italy

Director, Molecular Medicine Unit,
University Hospital of Siena (AOUS), Siena, Italy

Research interests
Research projects
Laboratory members
PhD in Molecular Medicine
Diagnostic activities
Secretary office
0577 234079
0577 234130; 153; 157; 185
0577 234191
0577 234192; 234051

Vincenzo Sorrentino is Professor of Histology and Director of the Section of Molecular Medicine of the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Siena and of the Unit of Molecular Medicine of the University Hospital of Siena (AOUS).
He obtained his M.D. degree in 1980 from the Faculty of Medicine, Roma, Italy. He did postdoctoral studies from 1983 to 1985 at the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Nat. Cancer Inst., NIH, Bethesda, MD and Frederick Cancer Research Facility, Frederick, MD where he worked on the molecular biology of oncogenes. From 1985 to 1987 he spent a second training period at the Laboratory of Viral Oncology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, N. Y. where he worked on the role of oncogenes and growth factors in neoplastic transformation. In 1988 he joined as a staff scientist the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany. Since 1993 he has been Head of the Unit of Intracellular Signalling at DIBIT, HSR, Milano, and Professor of Histology at the Medical Faculty of the University Siena, before moving completely his research activities to Siena in 2002.

Selected Publications

1. PALITTI F., MATARESE G.P., DIANA G., SORRENTINO V. and ROSSI G.B. In vivo studies of increased incidence of sister chromatid exchanges in target cells of replication-competent Friend murine leukemia virus. 1982. Cancer Research, 42, 4753-4757.

2. CIOÉ L., MEO P., SORRENTINO V. and ROSSI G.B. Modulation of hemoglobin synthesis in K562(S) cells treated with interferons. 1983. Blood 61, 1146-1154.

3. PULCIANI A., SANTOS E., LONG L.K., SORRENTINO V. and BARBACID M. Ras gene amplification and malignant transformation. 1985. Mol. Cell. Biol. 5, 2836-2841.

4. SORRENTINO V., DROZDOFF V., MCKINNEY M., ZEITZ L. and FLEISSNER E. Potentiation of Growth Factors activity by exogenous c-myc expression. 1986. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83, 8167-8171.

5. SORRENTINO V., DROZDOFF V., ZEITZ L. and FLEISSNER E. Increased radiation-induced transformation in C3H/10T1/2 cells after transfer of an exogenous c-myc gene. 1987. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 4131-4134.

6. SORRENTINO V., MCKINNEY M., GIORGI M., GEREMIA R. and FLEISSNER E. Expression of cellular protooncogenes in the mouse male germ cell line: a distinctive 2.4-kilobase pim-1 transcript is expressed in haploid postmeiotic cells. 1988. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85, 2191-2198.

7. SORRENTINO V. and BANDYOPADHYAY S. TGFß inhibits Go/S-phase transition in primary fibroblasts. Loss of response to the antigrowth effect of TGFß is observed after immortalization. 1989. Oncogene 4, 569-574.

8. MORRONE G., CORTESE R. and SORRENTINO V. Post-transcriptional control of negative acute phase genes by transforming growth factor ß. 1989. EMBO J. 8, 3767-3771.

9. SORRENTINO V., PEPPERKOK R., DAVIS R. L., ANSORGE W. and PHILIPSON L. Cell proliferation inhibited by MyoD1 independently of myogenic differentiation. 1990. Nature, 345, 813-815.

10. CICCARELLI C., PHILPSON L. and SORRENTINO V. Regulation of the expression of growth arrest specific genes in mouse fibroblasts. 1990. Mol. Cell. Biol. 10, 1525-1529.

11. ROSSI P., MARZIALI G., ALBANESI C., CHARLESWORTH A., GEREMIA R. and SORRENTINO V. A novel c-kit transcript, potentially encoding a truncated receptor, originates within a kit gene intron in mouse spermatids. 1992. Developmental Biology. 152, 203-207.

12. COCCIA E.M., CICALA C., CHARLESWORTH A., CICCARELLI C., ROSSI G.B., PHILIPSON L. and SORRENTINO V. Regulation and expression of a growth arrest-specific gene (gas 5) during growth, differentiation and development. 1992. Mol. Cell. Biol. 12, 3514-3521.

13. GIANNINI G., CLEMENTI E., CECI R., MARZIALI G. and SORRENTINO V. Expression of a ryanodine receptor-Ca2+ channel that is regulated by TGFß. 1992. Science 257, 91-94.

14. SORRENTINO V. and VOLPE P. Ryanodine receptors: how many, where and why? 1993. Trends in Pharmacol. Sciences.14, 98-103.

15. GIANNINI G., CONTI A., MAMMARELLA S., SCROBOGNA M. and SORRENTINO V. The ryanodine receptor/Calcium channel genes are widely and differentially expressed in murine brain and peripheral tissues. 1995. Journal of Cell Biology 128, 893-904.

16. BERTOCCHINI F., OVITT C., CONTI A., BARONE V., SCHOLER H.R., BOTTINELLI R., REGGIANI C. and SORRENTINO V. Requirement for the ryanodine receptor type 3 for efficient contraction in neonatal skeletal muscles. 1997. The EMBO Journal. 16, 6956-6963.

17. SONNLEITNER A., CONTI A., BERTOCCHINI F., SCHINDLER H. and SORRENTINO V. Functional properties of the ryanodine receptor type 3 (RyR3) Ca2+ release channel. 1998. The EMBO Journal. 17, 2790-2798.

18. SORRENTINO V. and REGGIANI C. Expression of ryanodine receptor type 3 in skeletal muscle. A new partner in excitation-contraction coupling? 1999. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 9, 54-61.

19. FLUCHER B.E., CONTI A., TAKESHIMA H. and SORRENTINO V. Type 3 and Type 1 ryanodine receptors are colocalized in triads of the same mammalian skeletal muscle fibers. 1999. J. Cell. Biology 146, 621-30.

20. BALSCHUN D., WOLFER D.P., BERTOCCHINI F., BARONE V., CONTI A., ZUSCHRATTER W., MISSIAEN L., LIPP H.P., FREY U. and SORRENTINO V. Deletion of the ryanodine receptor Type 3 (RyR3) impairs forms of synaptic plasticity and spatial learning. 1999. EMBO J. 18, 5264-5273.

21. PRIORI S.G., NAPOLITANO C., TISO N., MEMMI M., VIGNATI G., BLOISE R., SORRENTINO V. and DANIELI G.A. Mutations in the cardiac Ryanodine Receptor gene (hRyR2) underlie Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia. 2001. Circulation 103, 196-200.

22. SORRENTINO V. and R. RIZZUTO. Molecular genetics of Ca2+ stores and intracellular Ca2+ signalling. 2001. Trends in Pharmacol. Sciences. 22, 459-464.

23. SIMEONI I., ROSSI D., ZHU X., GARCÍA J., VALDIVIA H.H. and SORRENTINO V. Imperatoxin A (IpTx(a)) from Pandinus imperator stimulates [(3)H]ryanodine binding to RyR3 channels. 2001. FEBS Letters 508, 5-10.

24. ROSSI D., SIMEONI I., MICHELI M., BOOTMAN M., LIPP P., ALLEN P.D. and SORRENTINO V. RyR1 and RyR3 Isoforms provide distintct intracellular Ca2+ signals in HEK 293 cells. 2002. J Cell Sci. 115, 2497-2504

25. SALANOVA M., PRIORI G., BARONE V., INTRAVAIA E., FLUCHER B., CIRUELA F., MCILHINNEY R.A.J., PARYS J.B., MIKOSHIBA K. AND SORRENTINO V. Homer proteins and InsP3 receptors co-localize in the longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle fibers. 2002. Cell Calcium 32, 193-200.

26. ROSSI D. and SORRENTINO V. Molecular genetics of ryanodine receptors / Ca2+ release channels. 2002. Cell Calcium 32, 307-319

27. BAGNATO P., BARONE V., ROSSI D. AND SORRENTINO V. Binding of an Ankyrin-1 isoform to the C-terminus of Obscurin identifies a molecular link between the sarcoplasmic reticulum and myofibrils in striated muscles. 2003. J. Cell. Biology 160,245-253.