7) The impact of traffic pollution on antioxidant system
of two populations exposed to different levels of
pollutants: estimation of redox status of thiols(Convegno:
International Aerosol Conference, Helsinki, Finland
8) The actual reduction of negative health effects
because of contrast measures reducing PM concentration (µg/m3) is unpredictable. (International Aerosol
Conference, 2010,
Sede: Helsink, Finland; 29/08/2010-3/09/2010)
9) Respiratory Adverse Effects In Schoolchildren, because
Of Traffic Related Pollution. A Prospective Study In Milan,
Italy (Urban Environmental Pollution, BOSTON, USA,
10) Reduction Of PM Concentration Below Certain Levels Is
Going To Determine Lower Than Expected Beneficial Health
Outcomes On Resident Population
(Urban Environmental Pollution 2010, Boston, USA,
11) Oxidative Stress and Thiol Imbalance In Blood and
Breath In 2 Populations With Different Exposure To Air
Pollution (Urban Environmental Pollution, BOSTON, USA:
L'imprevedibilitą dell'effettiva riduzione degli effetti
dannosi dell'inquinamento atmosferico sulla salute sulla
base delle misure di contrasto per ridurre la concentrazione
di pm(ng/m3) (4° Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato
Atmosferico,Venezia,Italia, 18-20/5/2010)
13) Epidemiological studies on health effects from air
pollution give inconclusive results because lack of adequate
metrics of exposure, effect and susceptibility Measurement
of damages to exposed populations during concomitant
evaluation of PM concentration and health effects usually
doesn't consider damage to newborns (International
Aerosol Conference , Helsinki, Finlandia,
29/08/2010-03/09/2010) correlati al traffico (4° Convegno Nazionale sul
Particolato Atmosferico , Venezia, Italia, 18-20/5/2010) |