1- A
novel mild phenotype associated with FOXG1 gene
(ESHG 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden, 12-15/6/2010)
FOXG1 mutation leading to reduced chromatin affinity causes "Rett fruste"
overlapping with EHMT1 phenotype. 2nd European Rett syndrome
Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 7-10/10/2010)
Induced pluripotent stem cells as a human model to study disease
mechanisms in Rett syndrome (2nd European Rett syndrome Conference,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 7-10/10/2010).
MDM2 and p53 are modifier gene of retinoblastoma (ESHG 2010,
Gothenburg, Sweden, 12-15/6/2010)
5- Ruolo dei
polimorfismi dei geni MDM2 (SNP309T>G) e TP53 (R72P) nella modulazione
della variabilità fenotipica del retinoblastoma (SIGU 2010, Firenze,
Italia, 14-17/10/2010)
MS-MLPA to study the contribution of epigenetic silencing in
Retinoblastoma. (ESHG 2009, Vienna, Austria, 23-26/5/2009)
Genomic differences between retinoma and retinoblastoma (ESHG,
Barcellona, Spagna, 31/5/2008- 3/6/2008)
Somatic events in retinoma and retinoblastoma tissues.
(International Symposium on Cancer genotypes and Cancer phenotypes,
Firenze, Italia, 4-5/7/2008)
Somatic events in retinoma and retinoblastoma (ASHG, Philadelphia,
USA, 11-15/11/2008)