1) Identifications of 5 novel microdeletion
syndromes by Array-CGH analysis (4rth International
Meeting on cryptic chromosomal rearrangements in mental retardation and
autism, Troina, 4-5 aprile 2008)
2) Genomic differences between retinoma and
retinoblastoma (ESHG, Barcellona, Spagna, 31 maggio 2008-3 giugno 2008)
3) Array-CGH analysis of MCA/MR patients:
identifications of 5 novel microdeletion syndromes (ESHG, Barcellona,
Spagna, 31 maggio 2008-3 giugno 2008)
4) Array-CGH analysis of MCA/MR
Italian patients: identifications of 5 novel microdeletion syndromes and
10 private inherited CNVs (4th International Decipher Symposium, Hinxton,
UK, 19-21 maggio 2008)