Art. 1
- The University of Siena establishes for the Academic Year 2011/2012, the Refresher Professional Course on International School of Ultrasound in Obstetrics Gynecology “Paolo Mascagni " of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.
- The aim of the course is to improve practical and interpretive skills of the operators performing ultrasound for diagnostic purposes in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, using the latest ultrasound equipment. After completing this course learners will be able to personally perform advanced ultrasound examinations, be well oriented in the choice of approach to be used in various clinical situations, and be able to correctly interpret the different faced ultrasonographic findings.
- The course is divided into two days and in multiple sessions, to give participants the opportunity to acquire both theoretical and practical knowledge. To achieve the final goal, teachers intend to get across to participants the latest knowledge of advanced techniques of use of ultrasound in clinical practice This goal will be achieved through the execution: a) theoretical sessions of interactive ultrasound teaching, 2) practical sessions using the latest generation equipment, technologically advanced. Every examination will be performed by a trainee under the direct supervision of tutor, highly experienced in ultrasonic field.
The examinations, after informed consent, be carried out on women in different periods of pregnancy and on gynecological patients, using endovaginal and transabdominal approaches, B-mode, three-and four-dimensional velocimetry color / power Doppler.
- The Course Direction is at the University of Siena - Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine. "Centro Benessere Donna”- Policlinico “Santa Maria alle Scotte”- Viale Bracci - 53100 Siena. Phone: 0577233162. Fax: 0577233454. Email:
Contact for the organization and teaching: Prof. Filiberto Maria Severi, Dr. Michela Torricelli, Dr. Chiara Voltolini Dep. Gynecology and Obstetrics - Policlinico Santa Maria alle Scotte - Viale Bracci - 53100 Siena.
Phone: 0577233413. Fax: 0577233454. Email:
Art. 2
- Course is open to anyone, Italian or foreign, having an appropriate curriculum on matters pertaining to the course itself.
- These requirements will be held on the date of expiry of the period for applications for admission to the Course. Default of the requirements the Postgraduate Education Office will provide, at any time and for justified reasons, exclusion from admission to the course.
- The number of seats provided for access to the course is set in a maximum of 1. Under a special agreement between the University of Siena and the Company Serono Symposia International Foundation, it is possible to admit a maximum of four surplus applicants who meet the requirements of this announcement.
These candidates will be identified and selected by the Company Serono Symposia International Foundation.
This category of persons are not subjected to the provisions set forth in Articles. 3, 4 and 5.
- Students with disabilities with percentage of disability greater than or equal to 66% are supernumerary admitted to the School provided that they met the requirements for admission to the course and after passing the selections maybe provided for. Students under this subparagraph shall be totally exempted from paying tuition and fees, however denominated, and not contribute to the formation of the minimum number of seats set for the activation of the course. The latter can not exceed the limit of 10% of total students, unless otherwise reasoned decision of the competent organ; that number can not be anyway less than 1.
If the number of handicapped students with a percentage greater than or equal to 66% exceed the above identified limit, the benefit will be granted based on ranking of admission. For this purpose, the student must attach to the application a certificate of disability indicating the percentage approved by the competent authorities.
- The Course has a duration of 2 days.
- The Course is in agreement with the Company Serono Symposia International Foundation.
Art. 3
Submission of applications
- The application for admission should be addressed to the Rector of the University of Siena and should be made or sent within the deadline of:
- - FIRST EDITION: 12 December 2011
- SECOND EDITION: 11 January 2012
- THIRD EDITION: 13 February 2012
- FOURTH EDITION: 12 March 2012
- FIFTH EDITION: 11 April 2012
- SIXTH EDITION: 14 May 2012
- SEVENTH EDITION: 10 August 2012
with one of the following ways:
- delivery to the Postgraduate Education Office whose contact details are available on the web page;
- posting by certified mail with return receipt to the following address: Magnifico
Rettore Università degli Studi di Siena - Via Banchi di Sotto, 55 - 53100 Siena
(on the envelope must be affixed the following statement: "Domanda di iscrizione a International School of Ultrasound in Obstetrics Gynecology “Paolo Mascagni””)
- For applications directly submitted the receipt issued by the Postgraduate Education Office will attest and those sent by mail the date stamp of the accepting post office.
- If sending via mail Administration disclaims any liability for failure receipt of applications resulting from third party liability.
- Applications submitted with inadequate or irregular documentation and those sent by post after the above-written deadline will be rejected.
- To the application form, candidates must enclose the following documents:
• Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
• Copy of valid identity document
• Copy of the Tax Code.
When applying for admission applicants should indicate which edition intend to participate.
- Not allowed general reference to documents and certificates submitted to this administration attached to requests to participate in other courses.
- The Administration accepts no responsibility for the loss of communications due to incorrect address details from the participant or for failure or late notification of change of address indicated in the application nor for any postal or telegraph mistake, or however attributable to third parties, unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure.
- Applicants with disabilities, under the Act of February 5th, 1992, n.104, and recipients Law 68/1999, must explicitly request in relation to their needs, about aids needed and the possible need for additional time to support any admission tests. For this purpose, should contact the Disabled Person Office Reception Via Banchi di Sotto, 55 - Siena - Phone +39 0577 232250.
Art. 4
Valuation and tests
- Admission to the course will follow the evaluation of curricula presented by each candidate, drawing up a merit grading. Titles belonging to the following categories will be assessed:
• Qualifications 10/45
• Diplomas or Specialization Certificates and Professional Qualification 20/45
• Additional qualifications 15/45
- The criteria for evaluation of these titles will first be set by the competent board at the first meeting.
- For each candidate the committee will prepare a summary that will be part of the report, in which the titles and corresponding scores will be analytically mentioned.
- Candidates placed usefully on the list will be allowed to entry.
- On equal merit among eligible candidates the youngest one will be admitted.
- In case of cancellation candidates who will follow in order of merit will be allowed to participate to the Course Thus we shall proceed with the replacement until the beginning of the courses.
Art. 5
- The Postgraduate Educational Office proceed to send to every candidate admitted to the course, proper communication with one of the following ways: by mail or e-mail or telegram or fax.
- The registration form must be completed by forwarding to the Postgraduate Education Office the documents specified in the following paragraph within the period specified in the communication.
- Required documents for entry are as follows:
• demand for registration on form provided by the Postgraduate Education Office, made legal with stamp duty with amount provided by law.
• declaration in lieu of certifications;
• receipt of payment of registration fee;
• copy of a valid identity document.
- The registration fee amounts to EUR 600 exclusive of any burden and bank charges. Such amount shall be paid in one installment within the scheduled upon the completion of the registration procedure.
- Being the course part of the institutional activity of the University, and not of the commercial one, registration fee remain outside the scope of VAT, so there may be not issued any invoice.
- Upon surrender the Administration reserves the right to authorize reimbursement for serious and justified reasons, assuming that no lessons had begun withholding a percentage of 15% of paid tax
Art. 6
Board Course
- The Committee of the course is composed of:
- the Director Professor FILIBERTO MARIA SEVERI;
- the Steering Committee composed of the Director and the Professors GIUSEPPE MORGANTE e CATERINA BOCCHI.
Art. 7
- The course will be repeated for a total of seven editions chosen by the student:
- FIRST EDITION: 27-28 January 2012
- SECOND EDITION: 24-25 February 2012
- THIRD EDITION: 30-31 March 2012
- FOURTH EDITION: 27-28 April 2012
- FIFTH EDITION: 25-26 May 2012
- SIXTH EDITION: 29-30 June 2012
- SEVENTH EDITION: 28-29 September 2012 |
Prevalent seat for teaching activities is "Centro Benessere Donna" Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine. Policlinico "Santa Maria alle Scotte" - Viale Bracci - 53100 Siena.
- In the training the following corse are identified: Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Art. 8
Issuing of the final certificate
- At the conclusion of the course, to members who, according to the Council, have played activities and complied with the obligations shall be issued by the Course Director a certificate of attendance in accordance with applicable laws. The issue of the certificate is subject to a special request to be made on forms available at the Postgraduate Education Office.
- The issue of the final certificate is subject to a proper request to be made on forms available at the Postgraduate Education Office. Diplomas and certificates issued by the University of Siena are subject to payment of a contribution as provided by the art. 8 paragraph 6 of the Rule for the determination of university taxes and contributions.
Art. 9
Changes to the advertisement
- Communication to stakeholders of any changes to this advertisement will be borne by the Course Director.
Art. 10
Processing of personal data
- Under Decree 30/06/2003 n.196, the personal information provided by applicants will be collected from University of Siena – Services Area for students - for admission management purposes and will be processed even after the eventual enrollment in the course for purposes related and subsequent to management of the relationship itself.
- The person concerned exercise his rights under art. 7 of the above-written Decree which include the right of access to data concerning him.
- These rights can be asserted towards the University of Siena – Via Banchi di Sotto n.55 - Siena, processing holder.
Art. 11
Final rules
In regard of what is not provided in this announcement refers to the rules and internal rules of the University of Siena as well as national legislation for the field.